Health Tip: Dogs May Harbor Disease

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(HealthDay News) -- Even man's best friend isn't immune to diseases that can make their way to people, the American Veterinary Medical Association says.

The association mentions some examples:

  • Cryptosporidiosis is caused by a microscopic parasite that lives in the intestines. The parasite may be spread when a person or animal comes in contact with the stool of an infected host. People also may be infected by swimming in contaminated water.
  • Echinococcosis can infect people who come in contact with an infected animal's stool or contaminated surfaces.
  • Just like dogs, people can harbor external parasites such as fleas, ticks and mites.
  • Hookworms and roundworms may be spread by handling an infected animal or when the larvae burrow through the person's skin.
  • Dogs can transmit infected ticks. Tick-borne diseases include ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

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