Health Highlights: July 20, 2022​

Health Highlights: July 20, 2022​

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COVID often joined by heart disease, diabetes. A new large study confirms that COVID can raise the risks for developing both of the other illnesses, though the risk may wane after a few months. Read more

CDC approves the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine. It's the last step in getting a fourth type of vaccine out to Americans. The shots may appeal to folks who want to avoid mRNA-based vaccines, experts say. Read more

U.S. hospitals are getting safer, study finds. Over the past decade, medical errors and adverse events declined significantly across the nation, federal government data show. Read more

CDC will stop monitoring COVID on cruise ships. The industry will now manage the risks aboard its vessels, and cruise lines can now set their own COVID-19 policies. Some have already updated guidance for travel requirements. Read now

Lonely childhoods may raise risks for alcoholism and other ills. Research involving 300 college students found a link between feelings of loneliness in their pre-adolescent years and current drinking and stress levels. Read more

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