Health Tip: Design a Non-Toxic Nursery

Make your baby's space safe
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(HealthDay News) -- After spending nine months making sure everything you eat is good for your growing baby, you'll want to create a nursery that's soothing and safe.

Your baby typically will sleep for up to 16 hours a day for the first two years of life.

The Environmental Working Group suggests how to make your nursery safer:

  • Use low-volatile organic compounds (low-VOC) paint. VOCs are used to help paint dry, but they could affect your baby's health.
  • Select true-wood furniture. Pressed wood, plywood, particleboard and chipboard are made from lumber scraps glued together under pressure. These ingredients may emit formaldehyde, an indoor air pollutant.
  • Buy a safe crib mattress. It is safest to find one made of untreated natural fibers that have not been wrapped in polyvinyl chloride or treated with flame retardants.
  • Keep floors wood. Carpets can entice dust mites and often contain flame retardants and other chemicals.
  • Open windows when weather permits to circulate fresh air.
  • Do not buy toxic toys.

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