Doctors Could Soon Use Your Facial Temperature to Diagnose Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

Researchers say they’ve developed a new technology that may lead to healthier aging and early detection of chronic diseases.

A colder nose and warmer cheeks may be a sign your blood pressure is on the rise.

A new study finds temperatures in different facial regions are associated with aging and chronic disease.

These temperature changes may not be noticeable by touch, but researchers captured them using a thermal camera and a new data model driven by artificial intelligence.

They tested the technology on 28-hundred people from 21 to 88 years old

And found several spots where facial temperatures were significantly related to aging and health, including the nose, eyes and cheeks.

For example, the results showed participants with diabetes and fatty liver disease tended to have higher temperatures around the eyes compared to healthy participants.

On the other hand, people with high blood pressure had higher cheek temperatures.

The researchers believe the rising temps are caused by an increase in cellular activity related to inflammation.

To see if exercise could influence thermal aging, they asked 23 people to jump rope at least 800 times a day for two weeks.

Surprisingly, the activity reduced their thermal age by five years.

Next, the team wants to see if the technology works to predict sleeping disorders and heart problems.

One author says, “We hope to apply thermal facial imaging in clinical settings, as it holds significant potential for early disease diagnosis and intervention.”

 Source: Cell Metabolism

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