7 Secrets to Losing Water Weight Quickly and Safely

Water weight can be caused by your diet, activity level and certain medical conditions. Here are 7 ways to flush it from your system.

7 Ways to Lose Water Weight Safely:

1. Cut your salt intake. Also try eating fewer processed foods, which can be loaded with hidden salt.

2. Back off the carbs. Carbs are stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen. But each gram of glycogen comes with 3 grams of water attached, so eating too many carbs can lead to bloating.

3. Exercise regularly. Yes, you can sweat out extra water, but exercise also improves circulationm, which reduces fluid buildup. Plus working out burns off that stored glycogen energy.

4. Stay hydrated. This may seem counterintuitve, but water boosts kidney function and aids in flushing excess water and salt from the body.

5. Make sleep a priority. Quality shuteye helps your body regulate many functions, including your hydration level.

6. Try a B6 or magnesium supplement. These supplements help the kidneys flush excess salt from your system. There's also evidence they help reduce bloating and swelling caused by PMS.

7. Ask your doctor about a diuretic. These pills increase urination, which lets your body get rid of excess water. They're often prescribed for high blood pressure and should not be used for weight loss.

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