ENDO: Teprotumumab Shows Long-Term Efficacy for Thyroid Eye Disease

Inflammatory and ophthalmic composite outcome improvements seen in 90 percent of patients at 72 weeks
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Medically Reviewed By:
Mark Arredondo, M.D.

TUESDAY, June 11, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Most patients with thyroid eye disease treated with teprotumumab do not require additional treatments nearly two years later, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society, held from June 1 to 4 in Boston, and simultaneously published online June 2 in Thyroid.

George J. Kahaly, M.D., Ph.D., from the Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center in Mainz, Germany, and colleagues analyzed the long-term maintenance of responses with teprotumumab from previous trials. The analysis included 112 patients who received seven or eight infusions of teprotumumab in the phase 2, phase 3 (OPTIC study), and OPTIC Extension (OPTIC-X) studies. 

The researchers found that at week 72, 52 of 57 patients were responders for clinical activity score (CAS ≥2-point improvement), 51 of 57 were responders for the European Group of Graves' Orbitopathy ophthalmic composite outcome, 35 of 48 were responders for diplopia (≥1 Gorman grade improvement), 38 of 56 were responders for proptosis (≥2-mm improvement), and 37 of 56 had an overall response (improvement in proptosis plus CAS). The mean reduction in proptosis was 2.68 mm, while disease inactivation (CAS ≤1) was detected in 40 of 57 participants. Mean Graves' Ophthalmopathy quality-of-life score improvement was 15.22. At 99 weeks, 17.9 percent of patients reported additional thyroid eye disease therapy during formal and extended follow-up.

"As physicians consider treatment approaches for their thyroid eye disease patients, they now have longer-term data to support the use of teprotumumab in appropriate patients," Kahaly said in a statement.

The study was sponsored by Amgen, the manufacturer of teprotumumab.

Abstract/Full Text

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