Coworker, Organizational Support Increase Nurses' Intent to Stay at Job

Symptoms of depression increase likelihood nurses plan to leave their job
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Meeta Shah, M.D.
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TUESDAY, June 4, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Coworker and employer support are strong predictors that nurses plan to stay in their jobs, according to a study published online May 31 in the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.

Kathryn Leep-Lazar, R.N., and Amy Witkoski Stimpfel, Ph.D., R.N., from the New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing in New York City, surveyed 629 working nurses (36 states) during the summer of 2020 to identify factors associated with nurses' intent to stay at their jobs.

The researchers found that colleague support, organizational support, and organizational pandemic preparedness were associated with increased odds of intent to stay. On the other hand, both mild and moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms were associated with decreased odds of intent to stay.

"We know that there is significant overlap between depression and occupational burnout, with both capturing feelings of fatigue and a lack of energy. It's possible that many of the nurses reporting depressive symptoms were in fact experiencing exhaustion and burnout from elevated workloads and long hours during the pandemic," Witkoski Stimpfel said in a statement. "The good news is that the factors we identified -- workplace support and mental health -- can be addressed through targeted efforts, some of which may already be in place."

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